Energy Alignment & Spiritual Coaching

for people who are ready to create lasting change in their lives


How are you? I mean REALLY how are you?

Are you feeling “off”? Like you don’t feel quite “yourself”?

Are you feeling drained since a particular experience or perhaps around people?

Does it feel like peace and progress are in your future, but at the moment there is some invisible barrier?

Has an anxious feeling that used to only happen sometimes, seem to be part of your every day now?

Are you feeling pulled in several directions at once and you need some clarity?

You are not alone.  you’ve come to the right place.

The first step is acknowledging where you are at in a safe, sacred and non-judgemental space.

Connecting with your Divine Self can address a wide range of problems

  • Improving current relationships from the inside out
  • Relieving deep fears and inner struggles
  • Healing after illness and surgeries
  • Feeling more fulfilled in your workplace
  • Moving on after toxic relationships
  • Healing after recent or childhood trauma
  • Getting clear on who you are and what you want beyond external expectations

Embodying your Divine Self assists you to create a more fulfilling life

  • Imagine feeling healthy, energized and excited to get up in the morning.
  • Imagine being in relationship with others, where it’s easy to maintain healthy boundaries, so you are not constantly drained.
  • Imagine loving the work you do.
  • Imagine feeling good and present in your body.
  • Imagine listening to your intuition and always following through.
  • Imagine feeling confident and strong enough in your core, to go for what your heart truly desires.

My continued sessions with Afua have saved me in the hardest times and engaged me to be my best in good times.

Personally, professionally and spiritually, I am richer for the work we do together.

I would recommend Afua to anyone who wants to have a safe, enlightening and enjoyable experience of self growth and discovery.”

Joel Bernbaum, Artistic Director, Sum Theatre

I’d recommend working with Afua Tiah to help anyone who needs a safe space to go and experience a deeper connection with themselves.

Her positivity & calming demeanor made me feel very welcome that I was in a safe environment to experience what I did.

I look forward to unlocking keys to even more happiness through her coaching.”

Tusia Black, Senior Sales, ICR Commercial Real Estate


Energy Alignment

(Formerly known as DNA Activation)

My signature treatment is Energy Alignment.  They are 1:1 energy healing sessions that unleash the power of your Divine Self for healing and growth.

These treatments are done over-the-phone or in-person and may include: Chakra Balancing, Spirit Guide Connection, Space Clearing & Past Life Journeys.

Guidance on how you can Consciously Create your life will also be given. 

Energy Alignments focus on purifying and balancing the energy body, while restoring it at the fundamental level.

This treatment is for you if you have a motivation to create an amazing life.  Energy Alignments can help with issues such as:

  • Gaining clarity and strength following the end of a relationship
  • Feeling vital and more energized
  • Recovering holistically after surgery or sickness
  • Healing after unsettling experiences from this life or another
  • Overcoming “empath syndrome” so you no longer carry the weight of others
  • Developing a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life


Book an Energy Alignment to:

-Purify & Strengthen your Energy Field **Excellent for Empaths**

-Receive an Energy Read with Guidance from your Higher Self

-Detox from the Residue of Past Relationships

-Recharge and re-align your Energy **Perfect for Lightworkers/Caregivers**


Couples Alignment

For Couples Desiring Deeper Connection


  • Reviving a clear heart connection with your spouse/partner
  • Releasing entangled energies so that you feel good together while feeling firmly planted within yourself
  • Strengthening your ability to have loving communication
  • Letting go of the emotional weight of past experiences you’ve had individually or collectively with your partner
  • Feeling on the same page as your spouse/partner about how you want to grow individually and collectively

How does it work?

You and your spouse/partner will receive a combination of individual and collective energy alignment sessions customized to your needs. The sessions may be done in-person or distantly.  We will discuss what this would be during a Free Couples Introductory Session. 

In each session, we will bring alignment and coherence to your individual energy fields. We will use energetic methods to clear discordant energies within the partnership. We will strengthen the heart connection in the partnership and reinforce a healthy collective energy field.

There will be a pre-session intake form. Space will be made during our work together to create visions/goals for yourself and for your relationship.

Book NOW

Frequently asked questions


How Long and Where?

An Energy Alignment treatment is done over-the-phone or in-person.  Treatment length is 60-90 minutes.

What kind of person gets energy alignment treatments?

The majority of my clients are women, but I’ve also had several male clients over the years.  I’ve worked with all ages from teenagers to senior citizens.  There is no particular type of person who gets these treatments. People with motivation, who strive for clarity and growth, get the most out of these sessions. 

Do I have to be spiritual?

To me, spirituality is simply a conscious connection with the deeper parts of ourselves and to Spirit/Creator/God(dess).  This looks different for everybody. It may be obvious to those around you, or it may be a quiet communication. There is no pre-requisite to be spiritual.  However, a willingness to receive the answers and solutions you’re looking for, whatever they may be, will help you get the most out of the sessions.

Will this type of treatment interfere with my religion?

I’ve worked with people of various religious backgrounds. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to study the basic concepts of many religions and I see LOVE at the heart of each. You can enjoy the benefits of Energy Alignment treatments regardless of your religious background or lack thereof.  These treatments often help people gain a deeper personal connection with Spirit/Creator/God(dess).

Is it worth the money?

I’ve priced my treatments in a mid range, in order to make them accessible to a wide audience.  To answer this question though, you may want to ask yourself – what is it costing you to not go for that change you truly want?

What Energetic Processes do you use?

Each session begins with connecting to the Earth and to the Divine. We will purify and balance the appropriate energy centers, as well as tune into messages and guidance that comes up.  You simply require to relax and receive.

We will clear subconscious beliefs and patterns, such as unworthiness, guilt, fear and trauma.

We may use a variety of processes including: aura clearing, cord cutting, karmic clearing, past life journeying, space clearing of physical locations, spirit guide communication, vision creation and more.

What is the investment?

Single treatments are available, however, 3-6 treatments spaced two weeks in between is ideal.

The commitment of several sessions allows us to really target your goals.  We will not only address surface issues, but get to the root of ongoing patterns.  Two weeks between treatments allows time to integrate before the next treatment.

  • Single Energy Alignment Treatment: $155
  • 3 Energy Alignment Treatments+: $130 each
  • 6+ Energy Alignments/year: $111 each

I have a group that wants to make a big shift.  Do you have group rates?

If you have a group, family or business who are interested in profound growth, contact me for group rates at  Energy Alignments for individuals creates higher energy within any group that leads to a more creative, solution-oriented, and enjoyable environment.

I’m interested in getting a set of treatments

Can I talk with you first before diving in?

Yes, please book a Breakthrough session.  It is a 45 minute talk session available for first time clients.  It is free of charge, yet valuable in and of itself. I will hold a safe space for you to explore what your goals/dreams are, what may be holding you back, and how ready you are to make a shift in your life.  At the end of the session, we will see if what I have to offer is a fit for you, and you can ask any questions you may have.


Wow, where do I start! I went to see Afua for a specific reason, I have done quite a bit of work on my self throughout my life and really came to a point where I felt that the few issues that I couldn’t seem to shake were something that I couldn’t logically fix or improve.
I had read and meditated and wrote and so many other things that I could physically or practically do but I truly felt that there was something to be done beyond my will.  I felt that I needed some change from the inside out and that was exactly what Afua did.

My sessions with her were easy and I could just let go and let be, what a relief. I seen incredible change probably a month after we were finished and I’m continuing to see it, it is exactly what I thought and my decisions are effortless now, coming more from intuition then ever. Thank you XOXOXOX“

Candace E., Photographer

Working with Afua was a beautiful & life changing experience, on a soul level I was able to see some of the lessons I came here to assimilate, and truly face my shadows with courage, compassion and grace towards myself during the entire 3 month process.
A purge if you will, of all roadblocks & self limiting beliefs that were currently standing in the way of the complete embodiment of my true self, and divine path. Deep bows of gratitude flooded my life, as the very essence of my being felt seen and heard.
No matter the situation, I became more neutral and able to see the love in all situations & beings on earth. I highly recommend the complete makeover package with Afua. The DNA Activations (Energy Alignments) and time to integrate them in introspection were absolutely priceless. I am beyond grateful for our paths crossing, thank you Sistar.”

Michelle Paul @_Sovereign_soul_

Guided Meditations


Guided meditations are tools for peace, well being and growth.  My meditations often focus on developing your intuitive and manifestation abilities.  Preview this one and more here before making a purchase.


Everytime I have participated in something that Afua has offered, breathwork, 1-1 session, and on-line meditations, I always find this beautifully gently and powerful way back to myself. I believe it is hugely because of Afua’s innate ability to hold deeply nurturing and respectful space. The way she holds space is pure, and not only does it help you relax into the space, and the practice, but my own healing. I believe, my soul recognizes the safety of the space, but also, the deep honouring of and belief in my own journey that Afua carries as she facilitates.”

Roanne Kosokowsky, Mystical mother


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