My First Post – YAY!

I have wanted to share some deeper thoughts with you all for a long time.  Perfectionism has always gotten in my way.  I’ve had a long list of criteria dangling in the back of my mind.  I wanted to make sure my blog had a consistent theme, posts should be about the same length, they should be cohesive, be in a particular order, etc.

I’m ready to put all that aside and simply share with you. I may share personal experiences. I may share how-to articles. I may share opinions about particular topics. They may be long or short posts. They may include a video or not. They may come consistently for sometime and there may be breaks in between.

This will be a journey of growth for me, I hope it will be for you as well.

Let’s venture on…..

“I make so many beginnings there will never be an end.” – Louisa May Alcott

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